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how is obsidian Leaders different?

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The Obsidian Leaders Program begins with each Member completing a detailed behavioural profile followed by a one-on-one debrief providing deep and detailed insight into how hardwiring impacts leadership style and potential growth. The behavioural profile then guides the creation of a personalised development plan. This ensures you are getting the most out of the program by identifying your individual leadership goals and priorities. A further one-on-one session later in the program ensures your development plan stays on  track and progresses against goals.



The Program includes ten group sessions each year where you will work closely with a group of like-minded peers from different functional backgrounds who work across similar but non-competing industries. Each cohort is led by an expert Mentor - a successful business leader who will guide, nurture and challenge the group through each session along with support between meetings.


In Year One of the Program we focus on ten critical aspects of leadership particularly relevant to the challenges of today. Our Year Two program will build on this by looking more specifically at building profile, communication and networking at a senior executive and board level.

For Functional Leaders who are looking to broaden their perspective and further develop their leadership capability.

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